The Tale of Indigo ~ Chapter 5


“I can’t believe we’re lost again!

“Don’t look at me. Brock’s the one with the map.”

“Is it some secret guy thing, or does the testosterone interfere with your ability to ask for directions?”

“What’s test… testes…?” Ash stammered.

“Testosterone,” Brock corrected. “It’s a male hormone. It helps make us what we are.”

Misty was about to make a snide remark when she instead made a discovery: “Look! Someone set up camp in the clearing up ahead!”  Continue Reading…

The Tale of Indigo ~ Chapter 4


“Meowth!” groaned Indigo, once her eyes could focus. She shoved the feline pokemon away.

“Hey!” Meowth cried when he found himself on the other side of the tent. “What now?”

Indigo sat up and brushed the loose pokemon hair from her face. “There is nothing more pleasant than waking up to a meowth’s butt in your face,” she sputtered, sarcastically.

“Sor-ry! I tried sleeping next to your feet, but ya kept kicking me!”

“Yeah, well, that’s one of them weird reflexes I developed in martial arts class. Just don’t touch my feet when I’m sleeping and you’ll be fine.” With a quick zip she slipped out of her sleeping bag and stood up.

Meowth covered his face with his paws. “Should I be seein’ dis?”

Indigo looked down at her sleeping attire: an over-sized Tee and her underwear. “What? You’ve seen me in less!”

“I tell ya I was sleepin’.”  Continue Reading…

The Tale of Indigo ~ Chapter 3


The early morning sun peeked over the hills and found our favorite trio, and their charge once again outside the Team Rocket Headquarters entrance.

“Whose sadistic idea was it to get up at this hour?” mumbled Jessie, obviously not fully awake, yet.

“I believe it was you, Madam Sadist,” James looked up from his pack to see the raggled pseudo red-head.

“Yeah! You were da one who demanded we start out at da crack of dawn,” added Meowth, who, after his late-night prowling, was looking for a spot for a quick cat-nap.

“I did, didn’t I?” she yawned. “I just never realized before how early dawn is.”

James shook his head at his partner. He glanced over to where Indigo was standing off by herself. She was surrounded by various items, and as she placed each one into her back pack, she would check the item off her checklist. He noticed that Jessie, too, was staring in her direction, with a perverse smile upon her face. James knew right away that she had given Indigo the Checklist.  Continue Reading…

The Tale of Indigo ~ Chapter 2


“Class! Line up!” barked Mr. Oliver.

“Yes Sir!” the Rockets in training replied as they formed a line in front of their instructor. Together they ran around the track and stretched. Once completing this they again lined up in front of Mr. Oliver.

“As you know I’ll be testing you on your form next week. Today I would like to spend some time going over the Bokken portion with you. James, Indigo, up front with me, please.”

“Yes Sir!” the two chimed.

“I want my top students to show the rest of the class, and myself, some Bokken sparring.”

“Yes Sir.” Indigo and James walked over to the yard-long sticks. Each knelt down, carefully picked up a stick, and proceeded to the middle of the floor, where they stood, facing each other.

“I’m taking you down today, my friend,” Indigo grinned.

James returned the smile. “Says you.” They loved to playfully psyche each other out. It was one of their favorite games.

“Bow,” ordered Mr. Oliver.

The pair bowed to their instructor, and then to each other.


Checking their distance, they got in their ready stance.


All other sound in the gym was drowned out by they clacking of the wooden sticks.

“My T-shirt looks nice on you,” James pointed out during a close moment. Female students were required to wear T-shirts under their martial arts uniforms. Indigo, being the only female in the advanced class, often found herself in short supply, if she had any at all. They kept mysteriously disappearing. Such was the case today so James, literally, gave her the shirt off his back. “Does it serve it’s purpose?” James was aware Indigo knew he wasn’t talking about the obvious. She could smell the faint scent of amber, mixed with his own scent. It was an intoxicating combo for her, a fact James knew all too well.

“Devil spawn.”

James’ smile widened.

“You know, if you want your shirt back, you’ll have to come take it from me, yourself.”


Whether it was from Indigo’s invitation, or the ‘oooos’ from their classmates over their demonstration, James became distracted and was soon on the mat, out cold.

“James… James?” Indigo called.  Continue Reading…

The Tale of Indigo ~ Chapter 1

Author’s note: Let it be known that this fanfiction, aside from those characters already belonging to Nintendo, is mine. Anyone who uses it, or Indigo, without my permission, takes credit for my work, or rewrites my ideas and takes credit for them will have to deal with one pissed off author.

One more thing: This is a Mary Sue.  Continue Reading…