When I Bite Into a York Peppermint Patty ~ Chapter 1

This one is dedicated to all my fellow Oliverettes, Adri Sekitou specifically. Had it not been for her extreme procrastination in deleting anything in her Hotmail account, this story would not exist. No really. I accidently deleted my copy of it during the move to my new computer; the Oliverette ML, which I had posted it to has long ago been deleted; nobody else I had sent a copy to seemed to have kept it. So, if you like this, after you send me kudos, feel free to send a mental sloppy kiss to Adri as a thank you.  Continue Reading…


I don’t own Gundam Wing, Pokemon, or Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. I do, however, own my Bishi Harem, even if it does consist of characters from Gundam Wing, Pokemon and Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, so keep your paws off them dammit!

I also do not own Stop & Shop, Shaw’s, Bread & Circus or Wild Oats, though I spend enough money at all of them that I should own stock.  Continue Reading…

Links ~ Chapter 8


Quatre never mentioned what had happened between he and Mr. Darlian to anyone. Even though the incident had made him very uncomfortable, he wasn’t certain if Relena’s father’s intention had been to hurt him and didn’t want to risk offending any of his new friends by bringing it up. Plus he was terrified of any possible repercussions from Mr. Darlian if he was correct. Instead he kept quiet, opting to stay as far away from the man as he could.  Continue Reading…

Links ~ Chapter 7


The next afternoon the doorbell rang. Since it was Pagan’s day off, Eliza was the one to answer it. And she was sure glad she was. On the Darlian’s doorstep towered a burly Arabian, sporting a thick beard. She smiled up at Mr. Hopefully-Right-or-at-Least-Right-For-Now and was about to commence drooling when she became distracted by a small voice from below.  Continue Reading…

Links ~ Chapter 6


Relena didn’t want to be there. There being the formal gathering her father was holding in honor of their newest neighbors, the Winners. She was surrounded by grownups who wanted to do nothing more than pinch and poke and point out to the other guests what an ‘adorable little hostess’ she was. To make matters worse, Duo wasn’t there to take his share of the abuse. Nice of him to get grounded this weekend.  Continue Reading…